Table of Contents
Q1: Drug abuse
Level of drug abuse has seriously increased in the recent past, especially among the youths. Various efforts have been made to solve this problem. Many of the methods used aim either to prevent people from taking drugs or to treat those affected by addiction. Drug abuse leads to several negative implications that include accidents, crimes, broken relationship, impaired judgment, retrenchment or lost education opportunities and, in severe cases, death is inevitable.
Prevention programs are normally aimed at targeting a given group of individuals to stop them before they can either start using drugs or get addicted to a drug substance. Prevention seems to be the ultimate goal of any national public health organization. The approach is considered to work best with the youths. Thus, prevention efforts should start from the school level. Here, students are given first-hand information about drug abuse and its effects. Additionally, the health sector should have the National Prevention Council in charge of drug abuse prevention and a national prevention strategy that should be well outlined for everybody to follow. Anti-substance abuse campaigns should be widespread, especially in schools and homes so as to ensure that the majority of the population is aware of drug abuse and its prevention efforts.
Treatment is also another method of addressing the drug abuse menace. It is directed at exposing drug abusers to rehabilitation programs. Addiction to substance abuse is a disease of brain that affects its normal operation. Normally, it impairs learning capability, memory, and behavioral control. Some of the treatment approaches that are considered to be effective include use of medications, behavioral treatment, and the criminal justice system treatment (Franken, 2006).
The simplest and cost-effective means to lower the rate of drug abuse in the society lies in preventive measures. Prevention programs require the use of anti-drug abuse campaigns which are often inexpensive to carry out. The campaigns can start from school level to the national one. Treatment, on the other hand, requires the development of sophisticated rehabilitation centers, since treatment involves medication, and in most cases behavioral treatment will need to follow well thought-out steps. Between the two methods, prevention seems to be cheaper and more suitable option in the fight against drug abuse.
Moreover, prevention is more economically feasible than treatment because conducting preventive measures one would require to start up a campaign that can be done right from the early stages hence lowering any further costs in future. Treatment, however, requires building of rehabilitation centers and purchase of medication for addicts. The addicts also require a trained personnel and provision for basic necessities. Therefore, prevention is the cheaper option. Speaking in political terms, prevention programs are the most realistic since they are cheaper; they can get backing from any government.
Q2: Terrorism
Terrorism can be defined either as a strategy or tactics that people use to rebel against leaders and ruling governments. In most cases terrorists are motivated by the political and social injustices in the society. Most terrorists resort to this violent acts when they feel they are not given an opportunity to voice the political or social injustice in their communities (Hergenhahn, 2014).
The second most probable cause of terrorism is the opinion that violence as a threat to the ruling power is more effective and will definitely make a difference. Radicalization has contributed immensely to the growth of terror activities in most parts of the world. It is reported that radicals feel alienated and angry, most og them are disenfranchised. They identify themselves with known victims of the social injustice they are fighting against. As a result, these people have the feeling that they should take action instead of sitting down and talking about the problem. Some of them have a strong belief that terror is not illegal or immoral and in most scenarios family members or friends are sympathetic to their cause. Thus, these are several reasons that may lure people into terrorism.
Cultural and religious values are significant determinants of the growth of terror activities globally. It is known that unconscious fear of death instilled by some cultures and religions may lead people to terrorism. In this pretext, terrorism is ever changing environment and thus it proves to be a big challenge to governments all around the world. However, the ideology of jihadists is hard to comprehend and consequentally there is a great need to adopt new strategies for addressing terrorism.
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