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Excellent Custom «Technical Communication» Free Essay

«Technical Communication»

Nowadays technologies are rapidly developing satisfying customers’ needs and desires. Apple iPhone is one of the smartphones that have a great history and no less vast popularity. Steve Jobs was the person who led iPhone to its brilliant future. He went into the history of the late 20th and early 21st century as a pioneer and innovator, a man who has seen five steps ahead. Previously, iPhone had only black and white colors (Jobs himself made white color trendy) associated with a noble luxury. Nowadays, the splendor of colors is wider to satisfy the preferences of every generation and social class. This thing says that its owner is modern, mobile, authoritative and, moreover, successful. Steve Jobs showed that success and wealth are two different concepts. IPhone user may be not well off but still a successful and developed person.

Furthermore, Steve Jobs made the touch screen technology accessible and understandable; thus, users began to slide a finger across the screen. Designers and developers of Apple Inc. under the direction of Jobs played on instincts, associations, and feelings. He developed a new marketing principle according to which iPhone began to exploit the human desire to be popular. When you receive notification, there is a feeling that somebody needs you. Hereby, iPhone gives many positive signals! Moreover, the world is so complex that some additional obstacles clog our memory. IPhone, as well as other smartphones, is an innovation, which has greatly simplified our life. Using it, we do not need to strain our mind.

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Smartphones cardinally change our lives. For example, the gadget has inspired my fellow Jerry, who was a courier, to create his own business. Being stuck in public transport, he studied his smartphone. Having discovered Google Latitude, he realized that it was possible to combine a group of friends-couriers to deliver documents in time and expand their activity.

As an active smartphone user, I do not need to wait long for a bus at the bus stop. With the help of a mobile device, I find out the location of the nearest bus stop and get information about bus timetables. I check my email, read books in electronic form on the run. My father always pays for parking via his phone, while my mother uses GPS not to be lost when she is going shopping.

Smartphones could change people’s life very differently. It depends on an individual and the expectations from a gadget. For example, people use mobile technologies to become closer to families and friends. We may talk to them and share news at any time. Drivers use smartphones to get a picture with the camera monitoring the road. Furthermore, in the US, the local Poets Academy launched the movement "Poems in your Pocket". Thanks to it, phone users have access to 2.5 thousand poetic works. Recently, the South Korean churches can see believers who come to the service not with the Bible in hand, but with mobile phones.

In addition to changes in our social activities and opportunities to share the information, mobile technology may soon actively begin to influence our healthcare. Now technologies that, in theory, allow receiving medical advice via smartphones are on the phase of development. Other medical applications of mobile technology help disabled people with low or no mobility, as well as autism, to communicate with the world.

Nevertheless, there are many arguments against smartphones; however, they are built on inappropriate approach to them. For example, experts from Harvard and the University of California believe that the early child’s use of gadgets inevitably leads to a decrease in communication between parents and children. Medics believe that phones have the pernicious influence on our organism. I understand that it is true as phones can be harmful to kids; however, parents should control this problem.

I believe that mobile technologies do not steal our time (for games, social networks as some people consider), but give us the opportunity to save time so that we can live more efficiently. According to Professor Kim Song from the Faculty of Philology of the University in Seoul, modern man is transformed from homo sapience to homo mobility. Gadgets shape and rejuvenate our social image. Therefore, embodying the latest achievements of mobile and information technologies, smartphones change lifestyle of a modern man.


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